Answering your questions about amalgam, composites, and dental insurance claims

2017 01 04 15 47 17 991 Duncan Teresa 2017 400

After we published an article last week detailing updated guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on dental amalgam, we started to get questions from our readers about what had changed. And we also received questions about the insurance differences between dental composites and amalgam, and how the differences affect dental patients and practices.

Knowing you had questions, we brought Teresa Duncan on for our latest episode of the Dental Assistant Nation podcast series, powered by IgniteDA. Duncan is well known in the industry for her knowledge of the ever-changing world of dental insurance.

In our podcast, Duncan and I touch on the FDA guidance and the reaffirmation from the ADA about amalgam's place in the industry, and we answer reader questions.

Click below to listen to our conversation, which lasts just over 10 minutes. It's a good length to play on your commute into work or as part of your morning huddle meeting.

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