Dr. Roger P. Levineditorial@drbicuspid.comTeam ManagementDo's and don'ts for becoming a great leaderEvery leader can improve and become a great leader by following these do's and don'ts, says Dr. Roger P. Levin.March 17, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for updating your systemsAs technology advances and insurance changes, it's necessary to update your systems, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin. Here's when you should update your dental tech and how to do it.March 10, 2025Office Management4 ways to ensure an incredibly successful practiceTo lay the foundation for a successful practice, says Dr. Roger P. Levin, these are the four areas you must pay attention to.March 6, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for increasing practice efficiencyOver time, inefficiency creeps into practices, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin. But following these steps can help ensure your practice increases its revenue every year.March 3, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for implementing technologyPurchasing technology is a sizable investment that requires careful planning and action, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin. Follow these tips if you're considering investing in new dental tech.February 24, 2025WellnessDo's and don'ts for accumulating wealthDentists start working later compared to their contemporaries, but there are certain do's and don'ts clinicians should follow to build a sizable nest egg, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin.February 17, 2025Patient CommunicationDo's and don'ts for creating strong patient relationshipsIt's the little things -- a note, a call, etc.,-- that have a big impact on patient retention and practice production, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin. These gestures don't cost a lot of money and go a long way.February 10, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for managing your practice's financesJust as certain tests attest to a person's health during a yearly physical, certain data reveal the true condition of a practice, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin.February 3, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for controlling practice overheadMost practices have an overhead percentage that's 4% to 6% too high. But following these do's and don'ts can immediately lower your costs and boost profitability.January 27, 2025Office ManagementDo's and don'ts for avoiding mistakes in your practiceBy honing in on certain key performance indicators and following certain steps, practices can thrive and flourish in 2025, writes Dr. Roger P. Levin.January 20, 2025Page 1 of 94Next PageTop StoriesLegal IssuesOral surgeon will not face 2nd trialAn oral surgeon will not face another trial for misdemeanor sex assault and battery charges stemming from accusations that he molested several patients.PeriodonticsThis diet may be an ally in fight against gum diseaseImplantsThe state of dental implants in today's industryDiabetesDiabetes testing at the dentist may be key to early diagnosisSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!