Do’s and don’ts for controlling the patient experience

Levin Practice Success Resized

Controlling the patient experience can create a better customer service perception than simply having a nice office. Relaying messages about caring, how well the patient will be treated, the excellence and knowledge of the doctor, and how patients can communicate with the office if they have any questions and concerns is part of ensuring that the patient will have a five-star customer service perception.

Practice Success Do

Follow your schedule by taking control. If you simply ask patients what type of appointment time they want, they usually pick something that doesn’t fit your schedule. Practices unintentionally blow up their own schedules every day, reducing production and creating fatigue. Have the right scripting in place to explain to patients that certain appointments at certain times are in their best interest. 

Practice Success Dont

Don’t forget that case presentation is also theater. Case presentation is a system involving a series of steps that should be followed. You can control the patient’s experience, perceptions, and reactions by having the right steps in place with the right scripts in how you present cases.

Dr. Roger P. Levin is CEO of Levin Group, a leading practice management and marketing consulting firm. To contact him or to join the 40,000 dental professionals who receive his Practice Production Tip of the Day, visit or email

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