Dr. Fred S. Fergusoneditorial@drbicuspid.comDental PracticeMedicare dental benefits are inevitable: A responseIn a recent article, Dr. Marc Cooper painted his vision for why Medicare dental benefits are inevitable. In this response, Dr. Fred S. Ferguson continues the conversation, arguing that a value-based system can benefit patients, payers, and dentistry, too.September 14, 2021Dental PracticeSecond Opinion: Why isn't dentistry considered essential?What will it take to get dentistry recognized as essential to U.S. healthcare? Dr. Fred S. Ferguson explores the steps the dental industry can take to boost its value to the larger medical ecosystem in this thought-provoking and multifaceted piece.July 13, 2021Page 1 of 1Top StoriesSmile DesignClinical tip: What you need to know about a bridge connectorIn this week's video tip, Dr. Dan Butterman of CDOCS discusses two different types of bridge connectors and when you might use them in your dental practice.Industry UpdatesIDS notebook: Product launches and focus on what's next in dentistry in CologneLegal IssuesSuit filed against dentist accused in shooting deathDental AssistantDental job hacks you need to knowSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!