Week in Review: Dangers of dam clamps | Risks of sedative-induced fantasies | Post-COVID-19 PHE planning

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Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A stainless-steel rubber dam clamp used during a root canal may have led to cortical necrosis in a healthy 22-year-old woman's mandibular tooth, according to a case report published in the Journal of Endodontics. After a rubber dam clamp is removed following a dental procedure, clinicians should document the position of the tooth isolation brace and evaluate alveolar tissues. Read more in our top story of the week.

Are clinicians taking steps to protect themselves from patients who may experience hallucinated sexual assaults and erotic fantasies induced by sedatives administered during procedures like dental restorations? Though these serious occurrences are rare, they may put dentists at risk of legal action, according to a review published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Also, in our Business & Industry Community, an associate from the Dental Trade Alliance's lobbying firm Polsinelli discussed how dentists should ensure they are complying with the U.S. Stark law as the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) approaches in May. The law prevents healthcare providers, including physicians and dentists, from gaining financially from patient referrals.

In other news, using a platelet-rich fibrin technique to deliver antibiotics may decrease the risk of postsurgical infection in oral surgery patients, according to a recently published proof-of-concept study.

Finally, a team of researchers has reported a link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups, furthering research that could lead to therapies for the two conditions.

Until next time, enjoy the weekend. Editor-in-Chief Theresa Pablos will return next week.

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