Dentists can apply for new YouTube features

2020 04 27 18 11 4954 Computer Typing 400

YouTube has unveiled new health information-sharing features to channels hosted by licensed healthcare professionals, and dentists can apply to make their channels eligible for the new features.

The new features are an effort by Google to better highlight high-quality health information for consumers, according to a YouTube blog post. The new features consist of information panels that appear below videos to identify them as coming from a licensed healthcare professional. In addition, content shelves will highlight videos from trusted sources when a user searches for information on a specific health topic.

Previously, YouTube offered these features to educational institutions, public health departments, hospitals, and government entities. Dentists can apply online to make their YouTube channels eligible for the features.

Applicants must provide proof of their license; have a YouTube channel in good standing; and follow best practices for sharing health information as described by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies, the National Academy of Medicine, and the World Health Organization.

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