NNOHA paper talks dentists' role in vaccine delivery

2021 05 10 22 21 7614 Senior Elderly Vaccine 400

The National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA) has released a publication that details dental providers' roles in vaccine delivery, as well as policy recommendations.

The publication outlines the COVID-19 vaccine delivery strategies developed by health centers in states across the U.S. that are using dental providers for vaccine administration. Also, it describes policy opportunities that support dental and medical integration and whole person care.

Members of the organization's vaccine delivery group reported that allowing dental professionals to administer vaccines boosted morale and improved the recruitment and retention of dental providers because it gave them a chance to participate in the public health response, according to the report.

Furthermore, allowing dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines paves the way for states to grant them permission to give other vaccines and sets a positive precedent for vaccine campaigns in the future, according to the group.

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