Lindsey Dalley, RDHeditorial@drbicuspid.comOrthodontics5 back-to-school tips from a dental hygienistIt's that time of year again: Supplies are bought, backpacks are donned, and kids are returning for yet another school year. Lindsey Dalley, RDH, lists five messages your practice can share with parents and children to ensure oral health isn't forgotten in the back-to-school shuffle.August 29, 2022Page 1 of 1Top StoriesTMJ/TMD1st reported case of small intestine tumor spreading to the TMJA small intestine neuroendocrine carcinoma metastasized to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in a man, which is believed the first reported case of its kind.Industry UpdatesDentist, wife die in plane crashSmile DesignClinical tip: When to do and not to do flapless dental implant surgeryInsuranceAvoid these 5 billing practices to keep patients happySponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!