Sheela Rotheditorial@drbicuspid.comAIHow AI is poised to reduce the burden on hygienistsIs artificial intelligence (AI) technology the answer to burnout? Sheela Roth explores ways AI-based technologies can help ease the workload of hygienists and make the lives of everyone in the dental office easier.January 24, 2022Page 1 of 1Top StoriesLegal IssuesAccused attempted murderer tries to flee after dental visitAn inmate accused of attempting to murder officers during a standoff over a stolen dog tried to escape when he was being escorted from an offsite dental appointment.RestorationsWeatherproofing technology repurposed for tooth varnishPodcastsIDS podcast: Exploring Italy's role in the global dental industryPeriodonticsWant to fight off gum disease? Maybe eat chocolate, sip coffeeSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!