Amerigo Allegrettoeditorial@drbicuspid.comDental HygieneCan an adhesive patch help treat oral conditions?Research on an adhesive patch for treating oral lichen planus and recurring aphthous stomatitis was presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research.March 23, 2023MarketingMarketing agency highlights LinkedIn strategies for DSOsDental marketing agency Our Thrive Tribe highlighted statistics and strategies that dental service organizations (DSOs) can use on the social media network LinkedIn to build brand awareness.March 16, 2023AIAI accurately locates important face, jaw bonesA novel artificial intelligence (AI) technique can accurately locate important points in the skull, face, and jaw bones in computed tomography scans, suggest findings published on March 6 in the Journal of Medical Imaging.March 9, 2023Hygiene ToolsAt-home teeth scaling goes viral on TikTokA TikTok trend where people attempt at-home teeth scaling has drawn the attention of dental experts who say that this procedure should be left to the professionals. While teeth scaling has health benefits, experts worry that untrained people could accidentally injure their teeth and gums.March 5, 2023Dental HygieneSmartphone app remotely screens children's teethThe University of Western Australia is highlighting a feasibility study showing that a smartphone app can remotely screen children's teeth. The study was published in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry.March 2, 2023PeriodonticsStudy to explore links between chewing, gum disease, and agingResearchers from Marquette University in Milwaukee will study how aging and periodontal disease affect the connective tissue that absorbs the pressure of chewing.February 27, 2023PediatricsValue of lost baby teeth rise in latest pollThe average value of a single lost baby tooth in the U.S. jumped by 16% over the past year, according to the 2023 Original Tooth Fairy Poll conducted by Delta Dental.February 26, 2023Orofacial PainCDA calls for changes to sedation permitsThe California Dental Association (CDA) is asking the California Dental Board to adjust its training requirements for moderate sedation permits, as well as onsite inspections and evaluations.February 16, 2023InsuranceAbout half of older U.S. adults lack dental insuranceAbout half of all older U.S. adults lack dental insurance, according to research published on February 7 in Health Affairs. Furthermore, in 2018, nearly half of older adults received no dental care, the study found.February 9, 2023Dental HygienePeriodontitis linked to atrial fibrosisPeriodontitis may serve as a risk factor for atrial fibrosis, according to research recently highlighted by the University of Hiroshima in Japan. In a study of 76 patients with heart disease, a significant correlation was found tying periodontitis to fibrosis scarring that can lead to an irregular heartbeat.February 2, 2023Page 1 of 3Next PageTop StoriesSmile DesignClinical tip: What you need to know about a bridge connectorIn this week's video tip, Dr. Dan Butterman of CDOCS discusses two different types of bridge connectors and when you might use them in your dental practice.Industry UpdatesIDS notebook: Product launches and focus on what's next in dentistry in CologneLegal IssuesSuit filed against dentist accused in shooting deathDental AssistantDental job hacks you need to knowSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!