CDHA installs new president

2022 10 25 20 34 6215 2022 10 25 Caissie Anne 400

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) announced the installation of its new president, Anne Caissie. The announcement was made at the association's virtual annual general meeting on Saturday, October 22.

Anne Caissie. Photo courtesy of the CDHA.Anne Caissie. Photo courtesy of the CDHA.

Caissie joins President-elect Francine Trudeau; past President Wendy Stewart; and directors Donna Lee, Alexandra Sheppard, Kaylen Anholt, Kathy Yerex, Bev Woods, Heather Cassidy, Cindy Holden, and Tracy Bowser on CDHA's board of directors for 2022-2023.

Caissie graduated from John Abbot College in 1989. Throughout her 33-year career, she has worked in general and periodontal practices, served as a dental hygiene educator, and has held several positions with the New Brunswick Dental Hygienists Association.

Caissie now works in private practice and is in the process of opening her own dental hygiene business to make professional dental care more accessible to those living in New Brunswick.

As president of the CDHA, Caissie will continue her advocacy efforts, highlighting the essential nature of dental hygiene care and the relationship between oral health and general health.

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