Week in Review: Recreating the DSO model; first-day jitters; and patient-centered practice

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Is it possible to recreate the sometimes-maligned dental service organization (DSO) model and put the dentist and the patient first, not the organization? An industry veteran has launched a new DSO called Avitus Dental Management Solutions in hopes of changing the paradigm. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's story here.

What was your first day as a new dentist like? If it was anything like Dr. Jason Watts' first day, it wasn't quite what he expected. However, it did serve to remind him that not only was this the day he'd worked so hard to get to, he was also prepared. Read more here.

Who is at the center of your practice? It's a simple question with a not-so-simple answer when you examine it. The best response, writes Scheduling Institute President Jay Geier, is that your patient should be at the center of your practice. He offers three tips to help you put your patients first and grow your practice. Read more here.

Teens who use e-cigarettes are significantly more likely to go on to smoke regular cigarettes, according to a new study. The researchers found this was true even if the teens were at an otherwise low risk of using conventional cigarettes. Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' article here.

How much is your practice worth? In less than 10 minutes, you can get an approximate answer with our DrBicuspid-Snapshot tool. Answer some questions about your practice, such as number of patients, square footage, and more, and our practice valuation program will give you an idea. Try it here.

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