Practice Management Insider: Do your finances need a fall cleaning?

Dear Practice Management Insider,

Autumn brings more than pumpkin-flavored beverages and colorful leaves, writes financial planner John G. McCarthy III. It also brings the opportunity for you to take a look at how your practice and your investments are performing and to make any adjustments, so you not only end the year positively but also prepare yourself for the next season -- tax season. Read more here.

Also featured in the Practice Management Community, consultant Sally McKenzie asks if this happens frequently in your practice: You finish an exam on a new patient, present a comprehensive treatment program, and then never see that patient again. She suggests that maybe your new patient is overwhelmed and does not trust you yet. She recommends starting with essential treatment and going from there. Learn more here.

Competition keeps increasing for new patients. Dental service organizations and smaller group practices continue to expand. What is your brand message, and how do you get it out there? In his latest Practice Success tip, Dr. Roger P. Levin offers some advice on how to stand out among the crowd. Read more here.

Is the noise in your office or laboratory affecting you? Researchers assessed noise levels in both environments and found that the presence of certain types of sound and the degree of exposure were linked to various short- and long-term mental and physical effects. Learn more here.

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