43 Rules: Rule No. 6 -- Implement a follow-up process

2016 11 22 11 06 25 633 Levin Roger 400

In his recent book, 43 Rules to Increase Practice Production, Dr. Roger P. Levin shares recommendations for achieving greater practice success in the new, more challenging dental economy. The following is an excerpt.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, founder and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group.Roger P. Levin, DDS, founder and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group.

After studying a great deal of material from the Harvard Business School, I have determined that one area where dental practices are clearly deficient is in the area of follow-up. In the past, there were so many new patients coming to dental practices that it didn't really matter if some slipped through the cracks. Practices could be wildly inefficient and still have relatively good production.

All this changed with the Great Recession, which has altered the way patients view dental practices. There are fewer new patients entering dental practices today, and current patients are more likely to reject treatment than in the past. The reasons are largely economic, but patients also have more choices, leading to increased competition among dental practices. Consequently, follow-up has become an issue of great importance to practices wishing to reverse production declines suffered in the recession and slow recovery.

To increase production, Levin Group teaches a concept called the nine-week follow-up process. The process works by contacting any patient who is one day overdue for an appointment once a week for three weeks by phone using value scripting. If the patient is not reached or scheduled during the first three weeks, then emails are sent to the patient during weeks 4 to 6 encouraging the patient to schedule.

If these methods are not effective, the patient will receive a letter once a week in weeks 7 to 9, urging them to schedule. This method has proved highly effective for Levin Group clients, who report that 98% of all patients can be scheduled at all times when effective follow-up systems are in place to ensure ongoing patient contact. The process also accomplishes the following:

43 Rules to Increase Practice Production by Dr. Roger P. Levin.43 Rules to Increase Practice Production by Dr. Roger P. Levin.
  • Changes the way front desk staff operates.
  • Alters job descriptions.
  • Focuses front desk staff members on revenue-producing activities.

As a result, a great deal of the waste in day-to-day operations is eliminated.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, is the chairman and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group. For details about what Levin Group offers, visit the firm's website or speak with a dental practice specialist at 888-973-0000.

To learn all the new rules Dr. Levin has developed, based on more than 30 years of experience consulting with dental practices, download the digital version of 43 Rules to Increase Practice Production, available for just $59.

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Copyright © 2016, Levin Group. Reprinted with permission.

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