10 strategies to add 10 referrals a month

2015 05 12 15 59 09 147 Geier Jay 200

Picture this: Every time patients walk into your office, you should visualize a line of people standing behind them -- all of their friends, families, co-workers, book club members, etc. It's a pretty long line, right? Well, your patients have some varying degree of influence over every single one of these people. This is their line of potential referrals.

So how good are you at tapping into that resource line? And what could you be doing differently that would easily bring you an extra 10 or more referrals each month?

Here's a list of the top 10 referral-generating strategies that will be sure to boost your new patient numbers each month.

1. Create a referral culture

Jay Geier is the president and founder of the Scheduling Institute.Jay Geier is the president and founder of the Scheduling Institute.

You might think that your patients know you want referrals, but that's a dangerous assumption. Instead of leaving it up to chance, make sure you tell your patients you want their referrals. Your interest in referrals should be clear and known to everyone. Make sure your team is regularly reaching out to patients for their referrals.

2. Assess your staff

Your staff is a huge part of the patient experience and the patient's willingness to refer. If your team members are warm, inviting, personable, and helpful, they're much more likely to make a good impression than if they are distant, grumpy, and unhappy with their jobs. If you notice any negative trends in staff behavior, you need reassess their engagement level and take measures to fix it -- even if it means letting someone go.

3. Support a strategic program

Maximize your efforts with the proper resources. Create an intentional, strategic campaign for getting referrals, and then support it with time, energy, and money. Remember: Your patients' experience when they walk into your office is actually an investment. The more you invest in making this experience memorable and unique, the higher your return will be.

4. Deliver a compelling patient newsletter

Communicate monthly with your patients with a current newsletter focused on human interests. Write articles on your patients, your practice's volunteer efforts, and new dental trends and technology. Don't forget to leave plenty of room for referral requests, contests, and special offers that they can pass along.

5. Other patient communications

Take advantage of every opportunity to "talk" with your patients when they're not in the office. Email, texting, and handwritten letters are great venues to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays, as well communicate local events, special offers, and other timely information.

6. Increase your social online visibility

Harness the vast opportunities the internet provides by making your presence known. Encourage your patients to share/like your Facebook page; follow you on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram; and visit your current -- that is, not outdated -- website where you have special offers for referrals.

7. Host events

“All of these strategies boil down to one simple idea: making the necessary investment in your patients.”

Host in-office patient appreciation events in which patients have the opportunity to bring a friend or two. Get creative. I've seen some offices hold Monday Night Football parties in the fall just to get people in the door, and others have rented movie theatres for a free movie night.

Not only is this a great way to get your name out there, it also helps to nurture a community-friendly environment. For a more exclusive event -- host a quarterly referral party for your top five referring patients and their families or friends outside the office. And make sure you promote it. Put up signs around your office, and post photos on social media for maximum impact.

8. Get involved in your community

There is nothing like an engaged staff giving back to its community. It's contagious, actually. And in addition to the visible good you're doing for the community, you are creating a lasting bond with your team members.

9. Offer incentive-based contests

Hold a monthly or quarterly contest for the patient who refers the most people to your practice. For every three referrals, the patient can enter a drawing for something really cool -- think concert, weekend trip, or sporting event.

10. Recognize and reward

For every referal, the patient needs to be recognized and rewarded. Have a well-funded plan in place to thank patients for each referral. Publicize the "thank-you gift" in your office and change it each month. And publicize the names of the patients who refer to others!

Make the investment

At the end of the day, all of these strategies boil down to one simple idea: making the necessary investment in your patients. You have to put in the effort to reap the referrals! So buckle down, invest the time, money, and energy into making a connection with your patients, and reward them for their loyalty. I guarantee that if you follow these strategies, you'll see an increase in your referrals within a few short months!

Jay Geier is the president and founder of the Scheduling Institute. For more information on the institute's trainings, visit www.sionsitesolutions.com.

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