Mass. coalition proposes oral health plan

A coalition of oral health groups in Massachusetts on April 12 released a five-year plan to improve access to care and reduce disparities.

The Better Oral Health for Massachusetts Coalition's plan envisions increasing access to preventive services, broadening oral health literacy, developing the oral health workforce, and strengthening disease surveillance. The plan focuses on building public-private partnerships at local, regional, and statewide levels.

Although Massachusetts has gotten attention for expanding medical coverage and primary care under its 2006 healthcare reform law, the Catalyst Institute's 2008 report, The Oral Health of Massachusetts, funded by Delta Dental of Massachusetts, found significant gaps in access to preventive oral health services across the state.

According to the 2008 report, approximately 48% of children under the age of 9 suffer from tooth decay and 1 in 10 children from low-income and minority households reported suffering mouth pain while at school.

The Better Oral Health for Massachusetts Coalition, which includes the Massachusetts Dental Society and the Massachusetts Dental Hygienists' Association, was formed in 2008 following a statewide leadership summit held in Sturbridge, MA. During a news conference called to announce the plan, speakers representing government, dental care providers, and community resources spoke of the importance of oral health and its connection to overall health.

"Oral health is a critical component of our overall health, and it is time we in the state fully recognize this fact," said Mary Ellen Yankosky, R.D.H., co-chair of the coalition. "The plan represents over a year-and-a-half of work by over 100 individuals and organizations to improve oral health through a comprehensive review of all policies and programs that affect how oral health services are provided."

The plan sets general goals, mostly without delving into detail. A typical "action step," for example, is to "promote programs and organizations that train and empower individuals and organizations to advocate for oral health."

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