Dr. Robert Maguireeditorial@drbicuspid.comDental Practice5 steps to build self-awareness and grow your practiceIf your goal for 2021 is to build your dental practice, begin by becoming more self-aware, writes Dr. Robert Maguire. In this article, he takes readers through his own journey of self-awareness and the dividends it has paid him, personally and professionally.January 6, 2021Dental PracticeYear-end planning using your hands, head, and heartAs you begin to plan for 2021, Dr. Robert Maguire is here to remind you that dentistry is a people business. Much like it takes all of the right ingredients to properly bake a cake, it takes examining all aspects of your dental practice to make sure your business is prepared to succeed in the new year.December 15, 2020Dental HygieneWhy now is the time to invest more in your hygiene scheduleDr. Robert Maguire has a simple message: If you haven't modified your hygiene schedule and systems, your patients' needs as well as other safety protocols are being overlooked. Knowing that the dentist and hygienists are the major producers in the practice, are you allowing enough time for adequate patient care?November 24, 2020Dental PracticeStaying positive in the midst of COVID-19: Are you kidding me?Despite feeling overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted after the dental shutdowns caused by COVID-19, dental professionals needed to press on. Is it possible to do this and still experience some semblance of positivity and joy? Dr. Robert Maguire believes the answer is yes, and he shares a few things he has done (and you can do as well) to stay positive and productive in the midst of this pandemic.November 8, 2020Dental PracticeUsing social graces: Build your practice by building your relationshipsWhat are social graces and why are they important? For Dr. Robert Maguire, social graces offer not only a chance for us to show our humanity in an age when it's perhaps needed the most but also a way to show your customers (patients) just how valued they are in your business.October 5, 2020Page 1 of 1Top StoriesRegulatory UpdatesDentist loses license for 10 years due to patient's deathA dentist who lost his license after a patient who was allegedly given too much sedation during treatment and died cannot practice dentistry for at least 10 years.Practice TrendsQ&A on credit cards in the dental practice, surcharging, and morePodcastsPodcast: This big mistake can make it easier for dental embezzlersBrainGood neighbors may curb brain decline in those with tooth lossSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!