Patti DiGangi, RDH[email protected]Dental TherapistsSecond Opinion: Dental therapists, teledentistry, and the ultimate win-winIn this Second Opinion, Patti DiGangi, RDH, tackles the issues surrounding the recent approval of dental therapists in Arizona. DiGangi considers the arguments made against dental therapists and addresses them with a focus on access to care and practice profitability.August 14, 2018InsuranceThe new gingival inflammation code: Part 2 -- Case examplesIn the first part of this series, Patti DiGangi introduced the new dental code for gingival inflammation. She wrote that this code fills a gap in exiting insurance codes and has the power to finally bring the medical relevance to gingivitis treatment. The second part of her series offers case examples and discusses opportunities for practices.December 6, 2016InsuranceThe new gingival inflammation code: Part 1 -- Opportunity or chaos?There have been very few times in the history of dentistry that a single innovation or technology has been the catalyst for radically changing the game. This is one of those times. However, as Patti DiGangi writes, this game-changer isn't a high-tech gadget. It's an insurance code.November 29, 2016Page 1 of 1Top StoriesVulnerable PopulationsCelebrity dentist responds to threat of ending water fluoridationRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s claims that fluoride is "an industrial waste" that President-elect Donald Trump will recommend removing from public water in 2025 has a celebrity dentist raising the importance of balancing public health and individual choice.PeriodonticsThis simple sugar may alleviate chronic gum diseasePractice SalesValuing a dental practice when there's a disputeLegal IssuesDental manager gets hefty prison term for $6M scamLegal IssuesNIDCR director on leave due to probe into her alleged behavior