Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDHeditorial@drbicuspid.comDental Practice3 candidates to avoid during the current hiring crisisThe flirt. The oversharer. The unenthusiastic. If any of these three types of people show up to your practice for a job interview, make sure you don't fall for their traps, writes Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDH.July 8, 2020Dental PracticeSecond Opinion: Should your practice be concerned about the measles outbreaks?The U.S. is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of measles cases in 2019, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this Second Opinion column, hygienist Corinne Jameson-Kuehl writes that dental practitioners need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of measles to prevent its spread within the dental office and the community.April 17, 2019Dental PracticePractice Rescue: 3 tips to hiring the right candidateIf your practice is trying to hire for an open position, you already know that the unemployment rate is at an all-time low, and the war for amazing talent is at an all-time high. Too often, though, dental practices rush to fill a position and ignore the flags that suggest a candidate isn't right for the practice, writes dental hygienist Corinne Jameson-Kuehl. She offers three tips to help your practice avoid hiring the wrong candidate.February 20, 2019Dental PracticePractice Rescue: Ways employees hijack your business cultureDo you ever discuss treatment with a patient, then later find that the treatment plan was changed after reviewing the chart? This is an example of a "practice hijack." In her new Practice Rescue column, Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDH, of Custom Dental Solutions offers practical tips to make sure everyone on your team is pulling in the same direction.April 30, 2018Dental PracticeCatch-and-releaseIn dental practices throughout the U.S., certain employee issues continue to be concerns from dentist bosses. Dental hygienist Corinne Jameson-Kuehl understands your concerns about these employees and has some suggestions to help you handle, or even prevent, these situations.June 5, 2017Dental PracticeIs constant employee turnover dooming your office?Building the right team is the goal of every dental office. You make the effort to screen applicants and implement the best interviewing techniques, but is the dream team you are seeking falling apart? Dental hygienist Corinne Jameson-Kuehl has some ideas to help your office stop the turnover and hire the right people.January 24, 2017Dental PracticeAre the holes in your schedule haunting you?As the holidays approach, you want to have fewer, not more, holes in your schedule. However, as dental hygienist Corinne Jameson-Kuehl writes, it takes a concerted team effort to focus on scheduling. She offers practical ideas to help your office fill your slots.November 9, 2016Dental Practice3 reasons why your associate isn't producingAfter a long process, you've hired an associate for your practice. Congratulations! But what happens when the grace period ends and practice income isn't where you think it should be? Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDH, offers three reasons why your associate may not be producing and advises what you can do to change the situation.July 4, 2016Practice Sales3 practice and retirement strategies to considerSo, you've been thinking about retirement and reflecting on all you've done to build a fantastic practice. Is it time to bring in an associate? Perhaps sell the practice to a competitor or a corporate chain? Maybe even consider bringing your practice to a graceful end? These options all require much to consider, writes Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDH.May 16, 2016Dental PracticeSpecialist referrals take time and commitmentAs you start prepping a tooth for a crown, it fractures at the gumline. This has probably happened to you or someone you know. As Corinne Jameson-Kuehl, RDH, writes, this is one of many examples where a successful relationship with a specialist makes everyone's practice better.February 1, 2016Page 1 of 1Top StoriesNutritionPostbiotics may help prevent cariesPostbiotics may surpass traditional probiotics in preventing and managing caries by stopping the growth of cavity-causing bacteria, reports a review published in Clinical and Experimental Dental Research.Smile DesignClinical tip: What you need to know about a bridge connectorIndustry UpdatesIDS notebook: Product launches and focus on what's next in dentistry in CologneLegal IssuesSuit filed against dentist accused in shooting deathSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!