How do dental societies attract new dentists?

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The ADA highlighted the struggle of dental societies in attracting new dentists, hosting events, and launching successful projects in an ADA News article published on November 4.

New dentists have a lot on their minds, including new associateships, practices to consider for potential purchase, student and practice loans to pay, and more. It can therefore be challenging for dental societies to attract their attention, the ADA said in the article.

While engagement may differ depending on the society, many of the challenges are similar. According to the ADA, these challenges include "encouraging busy new dentists to get involved in organized dentistry, perhaps to even seek leadership roles, take on the challenges of advocacy and, in turn, appreciate the value that organized dentistry returns to the individual as well as the profession."

The ADA highlighted two societies that are holding events to engage young dentists.

The Greater St. Louis Dental Society maintains around five new dentist events per year, each with different engagement goals. In September, the society hosted its yearly New Dentist Welcome Event with tacos, beverages, arcade games, and prizes, the ADA said.

The society also keeps a close eye on strengthening the ranks of leadership where needed. As a result, the society reports 260 new dentist members, including some who are in the ADA's house of delegates and on the board of directors.

In 2021, the New York State Dental Association began offering its "Survival Guide Series: Setting Yourself Up for Success." The series provides new dentists with webinars relevant to new dentists, including those on mental health, financial planning, starting a practice, and more.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the New York State Dental Association recognized the need for virtual content for emerging dentists. The association sought out speakers who could present relevant information to new graduates. As a result, the association's attendance and registration doubled.

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