Possible COVID-19 exposures at CDA Presents

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2020 03 24 17 26 7956 Virus Coronavirus Sars Co V 2 400

Attendees at the 2022 California Dental Association's (CDA) CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry meeting, which was held May 12-14 in Anaheim, CA, may have been exposed to COVID-19, according to a notice dated May 17 from the CDA.

On May 17, the CDA received notification that two individuals tested positive for COVID-19 after attending the event despite the association requiring attendees to show proof of vaccination or a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test within 24 hours of entering the meeting at the Anaheim Convention Center. The individuals affirmed that they complied with vaccination requirements, according to the notice.

Though mask wearing was encouraged, it was not required at the show. Many people opted to not wear a mask while attending the meeting. Also, the CDA implemented other health and safety protocols at the show, including increased cleaning of high-touch areas, to reduce spread of the virus.

Any attendee who may have been exposed and is fully vaccinated and not experiencing any symptoms does not have to quarantine, according to current guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC advises asymptomatic, fully vaccinated individuals exposed to COVID-19 to watch for symptoms and get tested at least five days after close contact with someone with COVID-19.

Those who may have been exposed and are not fully vaccinated should visit the CDC's website for information about COVID-19 symptoms and recommendations or consult their healthcare provider.

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