CHICAGO - DrBicuspid.com honored the Cuspies award winners on February 24 at the 2022 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. The winners present at the show expressed gratitude to the DrBicuspid.com audience for the recognition.
DrBicuspid.com Editor-in-chief Theresa Pablos handed out trophies to Cuspies award winners Align Technology, Ambience PPE, Bisco, Henry Schein One, and Philips Oral Healthcare at the Chicago Midwinter exhibit hall. She also met with Most Influential Hygiene Educator Machell Hudson at the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health meeting, which is happening simultaneously with the Midwinter Meeting.
See the trophy presentations below.
Best New Imaging or CAD/CAM Product
Cuspies 2021 winner: iTero Element 5D Plus series, Align Technology
Best New Hygiene Product
Cuspies 2021 winner: The Loupe Shield, Ambience PPE
Best New Restorative Product
Cuspies 2021 winner: FluoroCal fluoride and calcium-releasing varnish, Bisco
Best New or Updated Dental Software
Cuspies 2021 winner: Dentrix Voice Perio, Henry Schein One
Best New Consumer Product
Cuspies 2021 winner: Philips Sonicare Power Flosser, Philips
Most Influential Dental Educator
Cuspies 2021 winner: Tom Viola

Most Influential Hygiene Educator
Cuspies 2021 winner: Machell Hudson