Dr. Raymond Cohlmia named ADA executive director

2016 10 31 16 18 11 359 Ada Logo 400

Dr. Raymond Cohlmia of Oklahoma City has been selected to serve as the executive director of the ADA, effective November 15.

Cohlmia joined the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry faculty in 2009, serving in a variety of leadership positions. In 2011, he was named director of comprehensive care, and he served as assistant dean for patient care from 2013 until he was appointed dean in 2015. Prior to that, Cohlmia ran a private dental practice for 26 years.

He served on the ADA Board of Trustees from 2015-2019 and as president of his state dental association in 2001 and local dental society in 1997. He has led the ADA's New Dentist Committee and Council on Membership, serving as chair in 1999 and 2007, respectively.

Cohlmia's additional ADA appointments over the years include the Council on Annual Sessions, the Council on Dental Benefits, and the American Dental Political Action Committee. Cohlmia has also represented his district as a delegate to the ADA's House of Delegates, the governing body that develops ADA policies.

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