Ind. Medicaid fraud; Levin on cosmetic dentistry; 3D printing for facial reconstruction

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

The Indiana attorney general has filed Medicaid fraud and other criminal charges against three dentists and six others at a dental office in Anderson. The charges include forging documents and charging for deep sedation while lacking the necessary equipment. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's story here.

Some dentists have been tempted to de-emphasize cosmetic dentistry in the belief that few people want it in a difficult economy. The truth is that many people place a high priority on an attractive smile and will pursue cosmetic dentistry if the practice promotes it, according to Dr. Roger Levin.

A groundbreaking technique for facial reconstruction surgery using 3D printing has been successfully performed in the U.K. The results are now on display at the Science Museum in London as part of an exhibit called "3D: Printing the Future." Read Associate Editor Rob Goszkowski's article here.

The ADA has released a new research brief on the dental benefit options in the new health insurance marketplaces. In this first part of's coverage of the study, we look at federally facilitated and state-based marketplaces, standalone and embedded dental plans, and services covered. Read Donna Domino's detailed article here.

Will the fact that criminal charges have been filed in the Indiana case push other states to do the same in cases that may have some similarities? And, while recent news has focused on possible cases of fraud, don't overlook the new technological advances that may change the way you practice. I encourage you to discuss all these issues in our Forums.

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