Dental patents updates available via Patentfax monthly service

The Anaheim Group has launched the Patentfax Worldwide Dental Patent Download Service, designed to monitor worldwide dental patents.

The Patentfax service provides a complete list of each month's dental patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, European Patent Office (EPO), and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

All the patents from these sources are listed in a Microsoft Word document, which lists the patent number, patent title, and inventor/assignee. Each month, approximately 125 to 150 dental patents are issued worldwide. In 2012, 1,460 patents were issued, which contained 33,280 pages of drawings and text. The new service allows companies and investors to monitor current patent developments in the dental industry, such as over-the-counter products, equipment, technology, and materials.

Each month, an Internet link is emailed to subscribers of the Patentfax service. By clicking on the link, subscribers are able to download a Word document containing the list of patents, as well as two folders: one that contains all the U.S. patents as PDFs, and a second that contains all the EPO and WIPO patents. The international patents are written in both the native language of the inventor/assignee and English.

The service is $300 per year.

A free link to the February Worldwide Dental Patents may be obtained by emailing [email protected].

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