Ask Marty: For my new office, should I upgrade to Dentrix Enterprise?

2014 02 13 13 44 51 873 Ask Marty200x200

Q: I am about to open a new office. In my present office, we use traditional x-rays and Dentrix G4. For my new office I want to go digital with x-rays only and maintain paper charts. Can I still use Dentrix G4 in this case, or do I need to go with Dentrix Enterprise? I'm getting some confusing feedback from other sources.

A: Unless you have an extremely large dental office, you have everything you need in Dentrix G4. Dentrix Enterprise is for large group or multilocation practices. The Enterprise version runs a different database and can allow for more security and reports.

At one time, my office easily ran Dentrix in an environment of written patient charts and digital radiography. That was the first step toward becoming paperless. So make the first step with computers in the operatory, add the digital radiography, and when you are comfortable with that, then consider making the jump to a paperless environment. You will be glad you did.

Marty Jablow, DMD, lectures and consults extensively about integrating technologies into the modern dental practice ( If you've got a technology question for Dr. Jablow, send it to [email protected].

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