Gold loses luster; denture cream causes nerve damage

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

The economy is certainly on everyone's minds these days, what with the price of oil, the upcoming election, the cost of living, and the housing slump ... all of which has prompted a significant spike in the price of gold this year.

While many in the dental community still believe gold is the best restoration material around, its skyrocketing cost is forcing dentists and dental labs to scramble, once again, for alternatives. Contributing editor Greg Holden explores some of the most popular alternatives, and looks at whether gold restorations are being priced out of the market. Read more.

In other dental news, can too much denture cream be hazardous to your health? Maybe, according to doctors from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, who found that it could cause nerve damage if used in excessive amounts. Read their latest research findings here.

On the surgical front, ultrasonics -- also known as piezosurgery -- is gaining a following as a "kinder, gentler" alternative for certain hard-tissue surgeries. Is it right for you? Check out the latest research and products here.

If you're looking for tips on marketing your practice, Richard Geller once again offers his advice here. His latest topic: how to successfully recruit new patients from scratch.

And don't forget to check out the News in Brief. This week's stories include licorice lollipops, cement recalls, inflatable operatories, and the first-ever dental clinic in a supermarket.

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