Dentist fills gap in U.S. presidential race

Wisconsin dentist Chris Kammer, D.D.S., has announced his candidacy for U.S. president, and he is already challenging Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama to a public duel of sorts.

He has proposed a periodontal match that would involve publicly charting each candidate's gum health.

"Let the candidate with the healthiest gums win," Dr. Kammer said. "If they can't control their own gum disease, why would we want them in charge of this great nation?"

To spread the message that total body health starts with a healthy mouth, Dr. Kammer has founded the Healthy Party. The Healthy Party claims no affiliation with any other political party, but seeks to unify the nation under one goal: optimum health for every citizen.

His platform calls for educating all U.S. citizens to desire and demand "Gums of Steel" -- a superhero image of healthy gums that don't bleed. Dr. Kammer has already orchestrated massive brush-ins with as many as 6,000 people brushing their teeth simultaneously.

During his presidential campaign, he plans to hand out bright flashing Dr. Fresh Firefly toothbrushes.

Learn more about Dr. Kammer and his campaign at

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