SprinJene adds cannabinoid toothpaste

2020 12 03 21 37 2242 Sprin Jene Cbd Toothpaste 400

Natural oral care company SprinJene's hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) toothpaste is set to become available for online sale on December 7.

The company's CBD toothpaste was developed in partnership with medical cannabis company Zelira Therapeutics. Made from CBD distillate derived from hemp, the product is free of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and therefore has no psychoactive effects, SprinJene said.

The launch will be followed by other cannabinoid oral care products developed through the Zelira partnership.

SprinJene's CBD toothpaste. Image courtesy of Zelia Therapeutics.SprinJene's CBD toothpaste. Image courtesy of Zelia Therapeutics.
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