Week in Review: Type 2 diabetes and perio disease; childhood family income and dental pain; and payment plan tips

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Periodontal disease is a major complication of diabetes mellitus, but did you know that patients with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop gums diseases than patients with type 1 diabetes? Click here to learn more about research that was presented at the recent American Diabetes Association's annual meeting.

In other research news, a recent study investigated the effects of family income and parental education during childhood and adolescence on dental pain in adulthood. The findings suggest there is a relationship between socioeconomic disadvantage early in life and dental pain incidence. Learn more here.

Have you considered offering your patients some alternatives to paying their balance at the time of service? Corban Tenney of BillingTree looks at eight steps you should consider to make the payment plan process as easy, and secure, for everyone as possible. Read his advice here.

Finally, dental phobia is a relatively common condition that is associated with poor oral health and fewer dental visits, but moderate exercise right before an appointment may help patients combat their severe dental anxiety, a new study has found. Read how 30 minutes of moderate activity significantly decreased patients' anxiety before, during, and after treatment here.

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