Week in Review: Appellate judge rules for dentists in Conn. teeth-whitening case

A U.S. appeals court has upheld a Connecticut law restricting nondentists from shining teeth-whitening lights on customers' teeth. The judges ruled that economic protectionism for favored interest groups is a legitimate use of government power. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

Explaining your fees to your patients can be an uncomfortable situation, especially if the patient is new to your practice. However, the Madow Brothers have faced this query before and offer a way to turn this question into an advantage for your practice.

While you strive to provide excellent care for your patients, you probably learned that you can't please everyone. But, in today's world driven by social media, how do you handle patient complaints? Practice management consultant Sally McKenzie urges you not to ignore these complaints, but rather treat them as a way to learn and to show your patients you take them seriously.

The idea of planning for your eventual retirement can be overwhelming, wherever you are in your career. As a start of new monthly series on DrBicuspid.com, John G. McCarthy III offers six issues for you to begin considering in your planning.

We are very pleased to bring you John McCarthy's column on financial planning for your retirement. What steps are you taking? Let your colleagues know in our Forums.

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