HHS on fluoride levels; Madow Bros. on paying attention; sealant programs' failing grades

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

While still backing the benefits of community water fluoridation, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recommended a new level for water fluoridation that is at the low range of its previous guidance. The move could pave the way for reductions in how much fluoride is being put into community water systems. Read more here.

Dental and public health groups are applauding HHS' new recommendation for a single level of fluoride in community water systems. But critics assert the chemical used for fluoridation contains toxins. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

When you are preparing to be out of the office, do you give much thought to your out-of-office message? In their latest column, the Madow Brothers bring your attention to how you can use these messages to your advantage and offer real-life examples that can help your practice present the right message to your patients.

Most U.S. states are failing to make significant strides in school-based dental sealant programs, according to a new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Dentists can help children in their state by urging state legislatures to do more for children in high-need schools. Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' article here.

1962 was the last time the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a recommendation on levels of fluoride in community water systems. Sparing you the timeline of everything that has changed, I think it's fair to say we live in a much different world. DrBicuspid.com will continue to bring you full coverage of this recommendation.

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