Do's and don'ts for understanding case acceptance

Understanding why patients reject treatment is an important concept in increasing the average production per patient and the average size of cases. By completing a comprehensive diagnosis, educating patients about additional treatment options, getting to know patients well enough to understand what barriers may be of concern, and offering solutions, practices can increase their overall level of case acceptance, practice production, and profitability.

Practice Success Do

Make sure patients know that financial options are available. There is an adage in business: "It's not how much something costs, but how you have to pay for it." When patients know that there are multiple financial options, including patient financing, they become more confident that they can afford the recommended treatment. This is especially true if you offer interest-free financing.

Practice Success Dont

Don't forget to ask the patient if there is anyone else who would like to hear about the treatment. One common mistake we see in case presentation is not realizing that the patient in the chair isn't going to make their treatment decision on their own. You should offer to have a second consultation with the patient and a key decision-maker. If the other key decision-maker cannot come to the office, be sure to give the patient three key points to share with them and follow up by phone. It is often the follow-up phone call that becomes the tipping point when a patient decides to have treatment.

Dr. Roger P. Levin is CEO of Levin Group, a leading practice management and marketing consulting firm. To contact him or to join the 40,000 dental professionals who receive his Practice Production Tip of the Day, visit or email

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