Majority of Americans favor adding dental services to Medicare

2018 07 27 22 22 5971 Medicare Puzzle 400

A majority of the U.S. population would welcome Medicare expanding its services, with most wanting vision and dental services added, according to a report published on January 10 by

The survey queried nearly 1,049 people and found that 93% were in favor of adding services like vision and dental. Additionally, 84% indicated they were in favor of lowering the age of eligibility to 60 years old.

The site noted differences in respondents' answers depending on their age. For example, 91% of respondents between the ages of 20 and 34 were in favor of adding vision and dental services. However, this percentage increased in the 25 to 49 age group to 96% and 95% for respondents ages 50 to 64 years old. However, it dipped down to 89% for respondents ages 65 years and older.

For eligibility, 87% of respondents between the ages of 20 and 34 said they were in favor of lowering the age. However, this decreased steadily for older age groups. For respondents 35 to 49 years old, 84.5% reported being in favor, while the same applied to 79% of respondents 50 to 64 years old. For respondents ages 65 years and older, 72% reported being in favor.

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