NY dentist disciplined for fraudulent acquisition of oxycodone

2019 10 17 18 00 4638 Gavel3 400

A New York dentist has been sentenced to one year of probation and levied a civil liability fine of $100,000 for fraudulently acquiring oxycodone, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of New York.

Dr. Vivian Letizia of Stone Ridge, NY, must also undergo drug treatment and pay an additional $5,000 fine.

Letizia confessed to sending electronic prescriptions for oxycodone to pharmacies under the names of her patients in 2019 and 2020. The prescriptions were not intended for Letizia's patients. Instead, Letizia picked them up and used them herself.

She has surrendered her U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registration and is banned from applying for a new one. Letizia will also surrender her New York State medical license.

The New York State Department of Health, the Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, and the DEA Albany District Office's Diversion Group and Tactical Diversion Squad investigated the case.

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