ADA releases 2 practice guides

The ADA has announced the release of two guides, the ADA Practical Guide to Leading and Managing the Dental Team and A Dentist's Guide to the Law: 228 Things Every Dentist Should Know.

According to Dr. Lisa Knowles, author of the second chapter of the dental team guide, the guide covers details not taught in dental school.

"This book is the perfect supplement to a dentist's technical training," said Knowles, a frequent columnist, in an ADA release. "As a dentist, I can attest to the need for a book like this. Learning to lead people is one of the hardest parts in dentistry."

Topics in the law guide include patient dismissals, managing online reviews, marketing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, hiring and terminating employees, and dealing with service animals.

Both guides can be ordered at or by calling the ADA Member Service Center at 800-947-4746.

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