NIDCR calling for dental research projects

2021 06 10 21 26 8188 Dental Student 400

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) is soliciting research to be conducted in the dental school predoctoral and postdoctoral clinic setting.

The Practice-Based Research Integrating Multidisciplinary Experiences in Dental Schools Funding Opportunity Announcement will provide clinical faculty and predoctoral and postdoctoral students and residents with skill development opportunities and patient-oriented clinical research experiences. The NIDCR said these objectives will be accomplished through intra and interinstitutional collaborations as well as peer and student mentoring partnerships.

The funding opportunity will also support developmental and small-scale, practice-based research studies that involve the prospective enrollment of study participants. Clinical faculty and students and residents will collect data from their consenting patients, conducted in the dental school clinic or affiliated extramural clinic settings.

The application deadline is December 15. Contact program directors and principal investigators must have a primary appointment as a faculty member of a dental school in the U.S. for eligibility.

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