CDA journal reports on 3D printing

2019 09 13 17 58 8905 3 D Printing 400

How can 3D printing improve dentistry? The Journal of the California Dental Association discusses the technology's potential in several areas in its October 2019 issue.

The publication covers the impact of 3D printed devices in restorative and regenerative dentistry, along with surgical specialties that include oral and maxillofacial surgery and craniofacial surgery.

The article, titled "CAD/CAM -- The Future Is Here: Overview of Restorative Digital Footprint," shows how computerized dentistry has become a multidisciplinary topic that is more formally being taught in U.S. dental schools.

In addition, "Current and Future Applications of 3D Bioprinting in Endodontic Regeneration -- A Short Review" offers reasons why the use of 3D bioprinting methods for dental pulp tissue engineering and regenerative endodontics has remained limited but still holds promise for future patients and dental practitioners.

Another article, titled "3D Printing of Dental Restorative Composites and Ceramics -- Toward the Next Frontier in Restorative Dentistry," addresses economic aspects of 3D printing restorative materials, while "Applications of 3D Printing in Craniofacial Surgery" reviews how craniofacial surgery has experienced increasing adoption of 3D printing technology in all steps of the reconstructive process.

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