Dr. Alvin Danenbergeditorial@drbicuspid.comPeriodonticsThe ins and outs of teeth whiteningDr. Alvin Danenberg is often asked by his blog subscribers about the benefits and drawbacks of teeth whitening. He breaks down how whitening works, in-office and at-home options, and the disadvantages of teeth whitening.November 8, 2022PeriodonticsSomething to gnaw on: Bruxism causes and solutionsWe all clench or grind our teeth at times. We may do it when we're sleeping, or we may do it when we are awake. However, continuous bruxism should not go unchecked. Dr. Alvin Danenberg explores the causes and solutions for bruxism.September 7, 2022PeriodonticsBleeding gums? Consider hydrogen-rich waterBleeding gums may be typical, but they're not normal. In this column, Dr. Alvin Danenberg explores how the overproduction of free radicals in gum cells serves as a catalyst for active periodontal disease and why drinking hydrogen-rich water may improve gum health.July 6, 2022GutWhy our ancestors had healthy mouths without flossingOur primal ancestors never brushed their teeth with commercial toothpaste or flossed with string. But they also generally had healthy mouths. Dr. Alvin Danenberg explores the science to help explain why both of these statements can be true.April 27, 2022EndodonticsMy jaw pain is killing me: 10 causes and treatmentsJonathan showed up in Dr. Alvin Danenberg's office complaining of severe pain in his tooth, jaw muscles, and jaw joint. At first Danenberg suspected a failing root canal, but further investigation revealed something more. He explains common causes of jaw pain and how he cured Jonathan's.February 22, 2022Immune SystemPeriodontal disease and COVID-19: Is there a correlation?Periodontal disease has recently been identified as a potential risk factor for COVID-19. In this column, Dr. Alvin Danenberg further breaks down the connection between the inflammatory and infectious nature of periodontitis and SARS-CoV-2 infection.February 9, 2022GutLeaky gut, leaky mouth must both be treatedA "leaky gut" and a "leaky mouth" are like leaky plumbing pipes, writes Dr. Alvin Danenberg. Just like pipes, a leaky gut or mouth can infiltrate the immediate area as well as distant places. And if multiple pipes are leaking, then you need to fix all of them.January 24, 2022Immune SystemMy mouth is healthy except ...Dr. Alvin Danenberg has a robust immune system, regimented dental hygiene program, and enough periodontal expertise to fill a library. So why did he develop root caries? Danenberg explores this question and details his experiment to remineralize the active decay instead of filling it.November 17, 2021Gut9 questions and 2 solutions for sensitive, sore gumsA new patient visited a well-trained biological dentist who struggled to identify the cause of her sensitive, inflamed, and sore gums. Dr. Alvin Danenberg shares the nine questions and two solutions that helped the dentist identify -- and treat -- the patient's problem.September 20, 2021PeriodonticsIt ain't just sugar: 9 oral benefits of honeyDr. Alvin Danenberg thought his dental colleagues were going to laugh him out of the profession when he suggested that raw honey could be used to brush teeth. Well, the research is clear: Honey ain't just sugar. Danenberg details the science behind the oral and overall health benefits of honey.August 23, 2021Page 1 of 10Next PageTop StoriesSmile DesignClinical tip: What you need to know about a bridge connectorIn this week's video tip, Dr. Dan Butterman of CDOCS discusses two different types of bridge connectors and when you might use them in your dental practice.Industry UpdatesIDS notebook: Product launches and focus on what's next in dentistry in CologneLegal IssuesSuit filed against dentist accused in shooting deathDental AssistantDental job hacks you need to knowSponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!