Donna Dominoddomino@imvinfo.comFederally Qualified Health CenterMore working adults have dental insuranceThe number of working-age adults with dental benefits rose in 2014, partly because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, according to new ADA Health Policy Institute briefs. However, the gap between low- and high-income adults who have received dental care has increased, the researchers found.November 2, 2016Regulatory UpdatesADA vote allows specialists to practice outside specialtySpecialists will be able to practice outside their announced specialty, according to a resolution approved by the ADA House of Delegates during the 2016 annual meeting. The change was expected after a U.S. judge ruled earlier in 2016 that a Texas regulation barring dentists from advertising themselves as "specialists" was unconstitutional.October 31, 2016Infection ControlDoes disinfecting water lines eliminate infection risk?Dentists may think that flushing their office water lines with disinfectants eliminates bacteria and fungus and meets infection-control guidelines. But a new study found that patients and dental staff remain exposed to the risk of infections even after water lines have been flushed using industry-standard sterilization techniques.October 26, 2016Infection Control37 Calif. children hospitalized for dental infectionsThe number of children who have been hospitalized for dental infections after having pulpotomies at a Southern California dental clinic has risen to 37. Health officials have traced the infection to the clinic's water lines, and the state dental board is investigating possible breaches of infection-control protocols.October 16, 2016OpioidsStudy: 100M opioids unused annually after oral surgeryMore than half of opioids prescribed to patients after dental extractions are not taken after surgery, a new study has found. The surplus is troubling given the ongoing opioid epidemic and evidence showing that people who abuse opioids often use leftover pills prescribed for friends or family, University of Pennsylvania researchers said.October 6, 2016Federally Qualified Health CenterReport: Kids' dental coverage often inadequate, expensiveAlthough mandatory pediatric dental insurance was included in U.S. healthcare reform, coverage is a stark departure from the benefits envisioned by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and those required under Medicaid, according to a new report. Coverage isn't always as comprehensive as it should be and is often unaffordable for families, the authors concluded.October 2, 2016Orofacial PainPain: Is it dental or something else?Many patients go to the dentist seeking relief from pain. While most dental problems are readily identifiable, many aren't so obvious. An orofacial pain expert discussed the different types of oral pain and the appropriate treatments in a presentation at the recent California Dental Association's CDA Presents 2016 conference.September 27, 2016CosmeticStudy: Resin cements can change the color of ceramicsResin cements can change the translucency, color, and shade of high-translucent ceramics, according to a new study in the Journal of Applied Oral Science. The final color of restorations depends on a combination of the underlying tooth structure and resin cement layer, the authors concluded.September 19, 2016RestorationsReview: SDF stops caries in primary teethSilver diamine fluoride (SDF) stops caries in primary teeth, according to a new review study. The noninvasive, easily administered treatment can manage dental caries in young children or those who have special needs, the authors noted.September 18, 2016MalpracticeAvoiding 'Amphetamine Annie' and other personnel problemsYour office may be prepared for malpractice claims, but what if a fired employee sues you for wrongful termination? Attorney Arthur Curley asked dentists that and other questions about their preparedness to handle employment situations in a presentation at the California Dental Association's CDA Presents 2016 conference.September 15, 2016Page 1 of 64Next PageTop StoriesTMJ/TMD1st reported case of small intestine tumor spreading to the TMJA small intestine neuroendocrine carcinoma metastasized to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in a man, which is believed the first reported case of its kind.Industry UpdatesDentist, wife die in plane crashSmile DesignClinical tip: When to do and not to do flapless dental implant surgeryInsuranceAvoid these 5 billing practices to keep patients happySponsor ContentSave the Date! FREE Webinar on March 31!