Business & Industry: Which are the largest DSOs in the U.S.?

Dear Business & Industry Insider,

Western Dental has jumped three spots in's twice-a-year update of the list of the largest dental service/support organizations (DSOs) in the U.S. The DSO has added more than 50 practices since the last update. How did the other DSOs on our list rank? Find out in our Insider Exclusive.

One DSO that made news recently is Mid-Atlantic Dental Partners, which acquired the 68 practices of Birner Dental Management in late 2018. spoke with Mid-Atlantic CEO Mitchell Goldman about what the acquisition means for the practitioners, the DSO's plans for the future, and other topics.

In other recent Business & Industry Community articles, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a rule to lower the allowable level of fluoride in bottled water. The new level of 0.7 mg/L parts per million is the same as the standard set by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2015 for community water systems.

What happens when a dentist is sued and the patient also files a complaint with the state dental board? In their latest Legal Cases column, William S. Spiegel and Dr. Marc Leffler present a case in which this happened. Learn about the role a radiograph played in the case, how both the legal and disciplinary actions were resolved, and what you can do to help your practice avoid a similar situation.

Also in the Business & Industry Community, you'll find the following recent industry news:

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