Rethinking restraints; can mouthwash cause cancer?

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

For years the dental community has had to tiptoe around the question of when to use pediatric restraints (aka "protective stabilization"), or whether to use them at all. But attitudes -- particularly those of worrisome parents -- appear to be changing.

In part II of his two-part series on the issue of restraining patients, Senior Editor Laird Harrison finds that the use of passive methods such as papoose boards and Pedi-Wraps are not only sometimes warranted, but welcome.

In other top news, the dentist who filed a lawsuit last week against a patient's parents who wrote a review on the online ratings Web site is speaking out in her defense. Read her open letter to the dental community here.

And believe it or not, mouthwash is creating some controversy as well. An Australian professor of oral medicine claims 25 years' worth of research shows a strong correlation between alcohol-containing mouthwashes and oral cancer. But medical and dental experts worldwide disagree -- and it isn't the first time. What's your take?

In other clinical news, a Japanese study has found that people who drink at least one cup of coffee a day may be at a lower risk for oral cancer compared to people who don't drink coffee at all. Is there more to a cup o' joe than we thought? Read more.

Over in our Imaging Community, a study published in Oral Diseases looks at the role of panoramic x-rays in assessing bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw. But despite the findings, at least one imaging expert says this research presents "nothing new." Read more.

We are also pleased to introduce our latest Word of Mouth columnist, Jimmy Earll. In his first Laughing Gas column, this "dentist by day, comic by night" takes a serious look at CAMBRA (caries management by risk assessment) and what some patients claim are genetically "soft teeth." And Marketing Madness columnist Richard Geller shares his thoughts on "How to maintain a grin when the economy caves in."

Finally, the latest installment in our Dental Advisor series is now available. Learn everything you need to know about green dentistry. And don't forget to submit your technology questions to our resident expert, Martin Jablow, D.M.D. If we use your question, you'll receive a $10 gift card for!

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