P&G tries new approach to kids' brushing compliance

How many times each week do you see children in your practice who probably aren't brushing enough? According to an article from Mobile Marketer, two of Procter & Gamble's (P&G) brands, Crest and Oral-B, are taking a novel approach to this widespread problem.

Partnering with the ChoreMonster app, for a month the company is offering exclusive content and offers when children watch a video and engage in the "chore," which in this case is brushing their teeth.

The P&G brands created a 45-second video to help educate children on the proper technique of teeth brushing. After they have watched the video and brushed their teeth, they can earn "Orby," an Oral-B branded monster, according to Alex Bowman, director of marketing and business development at ChoreMonster.

But children aren't the only target market. When parents choose the toothbrushing chore, a "full-page, interstitial ad from Oral-B and Crest" pops up. If consumers click on the ad, they are directed to Oral-B's website, where they can complete and mail a rebate form for a $5 coupon.

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