Dux seeks ugliest bib clip in U.S.

A contest hosted by Dux Dental is inviting dental practitioners to pick the ugliest dental bib clip in America as part of their 5th annual Bib-Eze for Boob-Eze campaign

The competition invites members of the public and the dental community to raise money for Mammograms In Action by voting for the ugliest dental bib clip in the U.S. Here are contestants, as created by Dux:

  1. Smokey Burns
    Home state: Colorado
    Interesting fact: Attended more than 20 Thankful Dead concerts.

  2. Rusty Chain
    Home state: Tennessee
    Interesting fact: Currently on parole after being charged with harassing an autoclave.

  3. Clip Lee
    Home state: Michigan
    Interesting fact: Recently earned a green belt in martial arts.

  4. Eric Bib Holder
    Home state: Washington, DC
    Interesting fact: Recently worked for a surveillance company but got burned out. Loves action movies.

  5. Greeny Bulger
    Home state: Massachusetts
    Interesting fact: Enjoys playing large games of hide and seek. He spends weekends watching mob movies.

  6. Clip Cardashian
    Home state: California
    Interesting fact: Loves rap music and being in front of the x-ray camera. She has a large bib holder family.

  7. Lou Swartz
    Hometown: Venice Beach
    Interesting fact: Enjoyed body building in the 1980s and appreciates a good spray tan to highlight his muscles.

  8. Bite Midler
    Home state: New York
    Interesting fact: Currently starring in the off, off, off Broadway performance of "Little Shop of Fear."

  9. Jolene Clipington
    Home state: Texas
    Interesting fact: Her daughter recently competed in a toddler beauty pageant. She spends her free time bedazzling jeans and skeet shooting throughout Texas.

  10. Curtis Lavender
    Home state: Florida
    Interesting fact: Due to the extensive amount of time he's spent in the autoclave, he is often mistaken for bib clips twice his age.

Anyone can vote for the dental bib clip they find most offensive. In turn, Dux Dental will donate $1 to Mammograms In Action for each vote. Mammograms In Action is a nonprofit breast cancer organization whose mission it is to provide funding for low-income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures for breast cancer detection. Voting is open now at www.bibezeforboobeze.com and runs until October 31, 2013.

Stacey Williams, director of marketing and sales for Dux Dental, noted that last year's Bib-Eze for Boob-Eze campaign had dental offices around the country send in hundreds of traditional bib holders in exchange for a donation to Mammograms In Action. The organizers were surprised at how dirty, rusty, and old some of the clips they received were, she said, and it served as the inspiration for this year's campaign.

Each visitor to the webiste can vote one time. Dux Dental will make the final donation to Mammograms In Action after the completion of the campaign in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.

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