U.S. Department of Defense battles smokeless tobacco

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) wants military personnel to participate in the Great American Spit Out (GASpO) on February 24, 2011. The department's new Quit Tobacco -- Make Everyone Proud campaign is focusing this month on helping those who spit and chew tobacco to develop a personalized quit plan.

Nearly 20% of 18- to 24-year-old men in the U.S. armed forces use smokeless tobacco, more than double the national rate, according to the DoD.

"Many of our servicemen started using smokeless tobacco at a young age due to peer pressure and became addicted before realizing the negative effects it could have on their personal relationships and health," said Cmdr. Aileen Buckler, MD, MPH, U.S. Public Health Service officer and chairman of the DoD Alcohol and Tobacco Advisory Committee, in a press release.

Throughout February, the DoD Quit Tobacco website will host a special GASpO page where service members can publicly post their pledge to quit. In addition, Capt. Larry N. Williams, U.S. Navy tobacco clinical cessation champion, will host an Ask the Expert forum, answering questions about smokeless tobacco. Service members and their friends, family, and other supporters can also join the GASpO event on Facebook.

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