Bioeden expands into Florida, Dominican Republic

Bioeden Tooth Cell Bank, a company that allows for the collection of stem cells from baby teeth, is now offering its services in Florida and the Dominican Republic, the company announced.

Recent advancements in tooth stem cell research have included the discovery of different types of cells found in baby teeth, according to the company. Mesenchymal cells can develop into a wide range of other reparative cells, chondrocyte cells have the ability to generate cartilage, osteoblast cells can generate bone, and adipocyte cells can repair damaged cardiac tissue.

"With today's rapid pace of research and discovery, the potential for what these stem cells can be used for is endless," said Bioeden Dominicana's President Juan Carlos Rodriguez in a press release. "Not only will the preservation of these stem cells benefit the donor being a 100% match, but there is a 75% chance the cells are a match for siblings, parents, and grandparents."

Upon enrollment in the Bioeden Tooth Cell Bank, families obtain a Complete Collection Kit containing a tooth storage container, gel packs, and simple instructions. When the lab receives the tooth, the stem cells are isolated and evaluated based on current health and viability. The tooth stem cells are then divided into two and cryopreserved in separate locations.

Bioeden charges a fee of $595 and an annual service fee of $95.

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