Podcast: Acetaminophen, supplements, and more -- the effects on your dental patients

2017 10 18 00 35 2147 Viola Tom 2017 400

It's a common, everyday scenario. Your patient walks into the practice and is seated in the operatory. He or she is asked about any medication changes since the last visit. The patient says nothing has changed, thinking only about medications such as those meant to control high blood pressure or cholesterol.

However, in the age of COVID-19, more and more patients are taking supplements and vitamins to stay healthy. They could be using vitamin D or zinc for the first time. They could be experiencing stress-induced headaches and taking acetaminophen to help with the pain.

All of these things matter, as Tom Viola, RPh, explained in a recent episode of the Dental Assistant Nation podcast series, powered by IgniteDA. Viola shares how all of these medications affect your patients and why there is a "dark side" to acetaminophen that every dentist and dental team member should know about.

Listen to the podcast, which lasts just over 13 minutes, by clicking below. If there's a pharmacology-related topic you would like Viola to address in a future podcast, drop me a line at kevin.henry@drbicuspid.com.

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