Podcast: What you need to know about ibuprofen and pregnancy

2017 10 18 00 35 2147 Viola Tom 2017 400

Tom Viola, RPh, has a warning about ibuprofen and your female patients -- and team members.

It's been a tough year for ibuprofen and its potential health effects with COVID-19 (Moore et al, Drug Safety, June 11, 2020). Now word is coming out that ibuprofen should not be given to women past the 20-week mark of their pregnancy. That is an earlier time period than was once thought safe for the health of the fetus.

Why the change? Is ibuprofen still good to prescribe? We talk about these questions and others in the latest episode of the Dental Assistant Nation podcast, powered by IgniteDA.

You can hear Viola's thoughts on ibuprofen and its potential effects on pregnancy by clicking on the link below. The episode is just over 12 minutes in length, making it an easy listen in your downtime or during your morning huddle.

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