Oral surgery is often a touchy topic that leaves many patients feeling uneasy. Often, pictures of large drills or medieval-looking devices are conjured up in patients' minds when they step into an office for an oral procedure. Fortunately, through the years, dental procedures have developed and become less invasive, providing patients with reassurance and ease when they step into a dental facility.
As a periodontist, I have noticed that laser surgery has become one of the most popular solutions for patients and dental practices alike. Laser surgeries have provided solutions to a number of issues that dental practices have faced in recent times. In my experience, laser surgery benefits patients as much as it benefits a practice as a whole.
Adding it to your list of oral health services can benefit your practice and your patients.
Benefits of laser oral surgery
Anesthesia may not be necessary with this equipment. When traditional dental instruments are used (drills, mostly) dental surgery may require anesthesia to reduce or eliminate pain throughout the procedure. Conversely, when lasers are used to conduct a dental surgery, the procedures are less invasive, providing the patient a more relaxing experience. Helping patients to feel comfortable while in your care leads to a positive experience they are more likely to share with their family and friends, driving more interest in your practice.

Additionally, laser surgery significantly decreases symptoms associated with traditional dental surgery, including pain and recovery time. Because lasers lack the production of irritating sensations such as heat, vibrations, and overall pressure, patients have a more positive experience. Bleeding and swelling are minimized when laser surgery is conducted because of the laser's conservative cutting action.
Laser surgery can also better preserve the undamaged areas of a patient's tooth or gums in my experience. Lasers are often highly efficient and can accurately remove enamel without damaging other areas of a tooth. In this way, patients' recovery time decreases and overall satisfaction increases.
The laser may mean you can operate on more patients, gaining experience and expanding your clientele. With laser surgery, many procedures can be done in one sitting, which saves time and allows more patients to be treated. Laser surgery is also safer for patients with diabetes or hemophilia, who otherwise would not have been candidates for such surgery, making your practice more marketable and accessible to patients of all kinds.
Laser dental surgeries can be performed in a fraction of the time when compared with more traditional methods of dental surgery, allowing you to provide more services to more patients. In conjunction, lasers can be used for a variety of dental surgeries, whether necessary on hard or soft dental tissue, making your practice more marketable than ever before.
An additional benefit is that patient anxiety may be reduced. When you explain the benefits of laser procedures to your patients, chances are they will head into a procedure calmly with an understanding that their teeth won't be drilled into using more traditional dental tools.
Whether you are dealing with patients looking to improve their smile or a patient who requires cavity or oral growth removal, laser dentistry is the best option for your patients and your practice.
Cyril Evian, DMD, is a periodontist in King of Prussia, PA, who specializes in dental laser surgery. He can be reached here.
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