The California Dental Association (CDA) "strongly supports" the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) decision to expand coverage for medically necessary dental procedures.
The new rule clarifies and finalizes policies in which Medicare Parts A and B will pay in 2023 for dental services essential to the specific treatment of a beneficiary's primary medical condition. Also, Medicare will pay for services, such as dental exams and treatments before or simultaneously with organ transplants, heart valve replacements, and valvuloplasty procedures, according to the Calendar Year 2023 Physician Fee Schedule final rule that was released on November 1.
"CDA is pleased that Medicare beneficiaries will now have additional coverage for many medically necessary and potentially life-saving dental treatment," CDA president Dr. Ariane Terlet said in a statement. "The expanded coverage is especially important for underserved populations who face higher rates of chronic health conditions and medical challenges. This moves us toward a more equitable system of care ensuring more seniors are able to access dental care and improve their outcomes for better health and well-being."
The CMS continues to work to address feedback and questions about billing and claims processing for these dental services.
"CDA hopes that the implementation path laid out by CMS in the final rule will ensure the coverage expansion and payment mechanisms are feasible and functional for dentists and patients," according to the CDA's statement.